Rice & Pulses

Green Peas

In vegetables, side dishes and salads, there are many ways to make this popular vegetable, known as green pea, a part of your diet. Green peas protein can also help fulfil your body’s daily protein requirement.   

Pea or green pea is one of the major food legumes in the world. It ranks fourth in legume productions worldwide after soybean, peanut and dry bean. Scientifically known as Pisum sativum, it belongs to the Fabaceae family. Some people also call green peas as garden pea, sweet pea, honey pea, or sugar pea.

Green peas are an important part of our diet due to the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. You are highly likely to see peas vegetable in every Indian household. Green peas are now grown worldwide for human and animal consumption.