All Types Of Oil Seedcake

Oil Seed Cake

"Seed Cake" is the term used to describe oil-bearing seeds after the oil has been extracted. Alternative names include "Oil Cake", "Seed Expellers", "Press Cake" and "Meal".

Although all sound relatively harmless, bagged seed cake is listed in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and bulk seed cake appears in the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code).

The carriage of this product demands special attention as it may self-heat slowly in transit. Seed cake may also ignite spontaneously if it becomes wet, or if it contains an excessive proportion of unoxidised oil.

Furthermore, depending on the oil and moisture content of the cargo, the ship may need to be equipped with facilities for introducing carbon dioxide or inert gas into the holds.

In spite of the recognised risks, there have been incidents in the past, some serious, resulting from seed cake being booked and shipped without full appreciation of the requirements. This Bulletin has been written to re-emphasise the necessary precautions.